How do I place an order as a Brand Rep?

  1. Login to your Brand Portal.
  2. Select the brand you are affiliated with.
  3. Go to the 'Products' tab at the top of your page, and select the retailer you are looking to place an order on behalf of. 
  4. All of the brand's products will pop up and you will be able to add product to your cart.
  5. Your cart is located at the top right of the page, here one will be able to run through the check out steps
    1. First, a brand rep will be brought to the cart to verify all items are correct.
    2. Second, click 'Proceed to Checkout', where a brand rep will fill out the ship to, add the PO #, and select payment options and terms on behalf of the retailer. 
    3. Last, click place order. Make sure you wait for the screen to pop up that your order has been successfully submitted to ensure the order doesn't get stuck in your cart. 
  6. To verify that the order has been submitted,
    1. Click the orders tab at the top of the page
    2. The order should pop up at the very top with the retailer's name, PO #, order date, and order quantity submitted. 
  7. How do I view the details within my order?
    1. Click into the order itself or the arrow button.
    2. All products and specs will show up with a progress bar indicating where the order is at in the system. 
    3. Tracking is updated in real time, with the carrier and a hyper-link that will take the brand rep directly to the expected delivery page. 
    4. Bill/Ship to, payment terms, payment method, and cost breakdown will also be displayed at the bottom of the order. 

    If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 208-994-3873 or email with anything.