Retailer Access

How do I request additional retailer access?

Brand Admins only have have the ability to manage retailer access for brand reps!

  1. Login to the your Brand Portal.
  2. Select which brand you are associated with. 
  3. Click the profile icon in the bottom right corner of the page.
  4. Click the 'User' tab, find your or brand reps name/email address and click on the arrow to bring up the credentials.
  5. Scroll to the bottom where it says, 'Retailer Access', you will have two options -
    1. Toggle on 'User has access to ALL retailers', OR
    2. Individually select the retailers the brand rep is able to place an order for. 
  6. Brand Rep will now have access to the retailer that was selected.

If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 208-994-3873 or email with anything.