How to place a Dynamic Distribution (Network) Order

Easily search and buy authorized product within your Fitted retailer portal from fellow authorized retailers!

  1. Log into your retailer portal - Here
  2. Search for the item you would like ( you can search by SKU, UPC or Name)
  3. Click the lightbulb in the top right hand corner of the item to view the products insight. The Product Insight will give you another view of what items are available within the Brand and Network down to size and color level.

  4. Once you locate the size(s) and color(s) needed, enter the quantity you would like to order in a particular size and hit 'tab' on your keyboard. 
    1. The cart icon in the upper right hand corner will reflect the item(s) to your cart 🛒
  5. Once you've added all of your item, begin check out by clicking the Cart Icon
  6. Choose delivery address destination
    1. Custom Address - If you are shipping directly to a customer, add in their information here
    2. Store Address - Choose the store address you would like delivered to
  7. Enter your desired purchase order nubmer
  8. Add payment method if you have not already done so. 
  9. Select Payment Terms
  10. Review order and click Submit order

Need help? Email and we would be happy to answer any questions!